Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Ok, so Facebook isn't the most reliable place to find an accurate quiz for discovering one's temperament, but I think this one is pretty accurate. As a matter of fact, I liked the result so much that I've decided to save it here for posterity.



  • You are a deep ocean and just as violent.
  • You are emotional and thoughtful, artistic and musical. Even if you don't draw or play an instrument, art and music play a big part in your life. ...
  • You are talented and creative.
  • You are philosophical and poetic. Sometimes that means you create a piece of art or poetry, and sometimes it means you have a new idea or a new way of approaching something.
  • You are always an original. You underestimate yourself and are sensitive.
  • You put others before yourself.
  • You feel their pain. When someone has a problem, they come to you. Not to solve it, but to cry with them. You are analytical and conscientious. Even with all this analysis you are idealistic.
  • You appreciate beauty.
  • You see things others miss, and can feel a problem coming like a chill before the rain.
  • You are orderly and organized and strive for perfection in everything you do.
  • You value things, people, resources.
  • You are very focused on the details.
  • You make friends cautiously and the friends you have are few and very close to you.
  • You are very faithful and devoted.
  • You value loyalty and can become resentful if betrayed.
  • You seek out special people who see your depth and beauty and they travel with you for long friendships.
  • You have a deep concern for other people and will listen to their complaints.
  • People rely on you.
  • Introvert: The Resident Genius.